Our factory direct prices for our original AUSTRALIAN ugg boots made in AUSTRALIA are better than price of original CHINESE ugg boots made in CHINA in retail stores anywhere in the world because buying from us consumers buy DIRECTLY from factory, DIRECTLY from manufacturer without any distributors and any retail stores between our FACTORY and CONSUMER.
It should be clear for everyone that nobody works for free and every link in the supply chain from FACTORY to CONSUMER puts it's own profit margin on top of FACTORY price which means the longer chain the higher price.
who put their profit margins on the way of CHINESE made ugg boots from FACTORY in China to RETAIL stores in Europe. FACTORY (Factory price X) > DISTRIBUTOR ( Factory price X + distributor profit margin +100%) > RETAIL STORE (Retail store profit margin + 200%) = TOTAL price of CHINESE made ugg boots for Consumer in Europe is: X + 100% + 200%. In our case consumers do NOT pay 100% of distributor's profit margin and do NOT pay 200% RETAIL STORE profit margin. This is WHY our FACTORY DIRECT price for original AUSTRALIAN ugg boots directly from us (Manufacturer) is much better than price of original CHINESE ugg boots from RETAIL STORE in Europe.